Faking Ain’t Living ^ Discover Yourself!

Sometimes all we desire is a good start

To raise the standards of living on our part

I stretch with my squinting eyes; yawning widely with a sigh

Tossing and turning in bed – five minutes more I cry

The morning’s tedious without caffeine

Fishing in my cupboard to find a new dress – no more old jeans

Work is a burden and punctuality a bloody mosquito

These rules are not for us – break them, mould them with the power of veto

The boss yells at the front table where I feverishly snore

He senses the nasty alcohol on my breath– he can’t ignore

He can’t figure out who am I – Beyonce, Ke$ha or Lady Gaga

Tick Tock to if I were a boy to Born this way – it is MY remix saga

I lose the job, freak out wandering streets and my wallet’s empty

I am confident, positive and lovely – don’t need any pity

If life was all about abiding by rules and regulations

There would have been a large platform then and no more stations

Life is a scoop of an ice-cream and that last bit of the dark chocolate cake

Enjoy and breathe the way you want – celebrate every day before you fake