
Sometimes silence speaks louder than words,
Sometimes tears stain the stronger than the weak,
Sometimes the stars sparkle brighter than the sun,
Sometimes distance unites than divide,
Sometimes the lies are simpler than the truth,
Sometimes grief is much more contagious than a smile,
Sometimes living in the present is more difficult than planning a tomorrow,
Sometimes survival is much less destructive than surrender,
Sometimes just sometimes,
Love does not cause sorrow,
Hope is not a delight,
Pain is not a curse,
Time is not cruel,
Failure is not trying,
Happiness is not fatal,
Sometimes just sometimes,
One moment can last a forever.

Note: I am off for a vacation and I am not sure if I will have access to internet but I will try to catch up on your lovely blogs whenever I can. I don’t promise anything but I will try my best to write and share the little moments I enjoyed best during my trip. Love to you all. Until next time, live, love, Inspire & (don’t forget to) smile. Believe in yourself and you can conquer all your fears. Laters. 


He breathed magic in her soul,
And she was scarred no more,
He was confused and bruised,
She took him by the hand,
And showed him the light,
To bring his lost soul home,
The hardships were woven into their life,
Struggling each day to help each other survive,
But they wouldn’t give up just yet,
Even if they didn’t know what it was all worth,
They’d hold on to the feeling of love,
For nothing could pull them apart,
As they were eternal,
And their love was a short-lived eternity,
She was the very epitome of perfection,
He lived by the golden divine light of her eyes,
And he experienced heaven on Earth,
Whenever she wrapped him in her embrace,
He melted in her arms and blended into her existence,
She was what he called home.


I was a lost man,
She brought me to life,
I could have been dead,
She helped me survive,
There is a hidden treasure,
In the depths of her eyes,
Hidden galaxies or a whole new universe,
Something beyond ordinary,
Something impossible to deny,
She is the cure to my disease,
An answer to my silent prayer,
She is my every day miracle,
The breaking of a beautiful dawn,
The madness to embrace my insanity,
The essence of my reality.


I am sick of all your lies,
I can’t ever see through your disguise,
But I try so hard to find the truth in your eyes,
That I am broken and bruised on the inside,
You say you are sorry,
And I tell you that it will be alright,
So we get back to living the good old days,
Until a fight break out,
And you want to leave again,
For you love playing this game,
‘Cause you know my love for you won’t change,
You say that you will leave this time for the good,
And I beg you to stay one last time if you could,
‘Cause I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you,
So you are the predator and my heart is your prey,
You are like a con-man who doesn’t need to stay,
And I beg you to give us one last chance,
You push me away so you could have it your way,
Keeping your heart cold, you fail to see,
I am fragile but it wont stop you from breaking me,
All along, I had mistaken you for the cure to my pain,
I was such a fool in love,
That I didn’t know you were just the same,
There were no exceptions to the rules of your game,
I was just another name you wanted to claim,
And it’s all my fault and I am to be blamed,
I should have never trusted you with my heart,
‘Cause now I just can’t let you go,
Yes, I just can’t stay apart,
But who knew I was doomed right from the start,
All I know now is that I am the pariah,
I belong nowhere and to no one.

I have not been active on WordPress lately because I have been super-busy. I will get back to reading and writing soon. Thank you for the patience and love.