A Thoughtful Morning!

Today’s morning was different and beautiful. Not because I had consumed a good amount of caffeine or that I went for a long romantic drive but because I was awakened by a little baby who compelled me to abandon my dream valley. Usually I’m an early bird so I knew it wasn’t too late but finding a baby around my bed and my mum rushing all around with her high-pitched voice ensured me that today’s morning was dedicated to her guests. Without my spectacles, I am almost blind so I couldn’t make out how the baby looked like while I tossed and turned in bed fighting with the sheets and pillows. I rummaged on the bed trying to find my spectacles and finally GOTCHA! As soon as I saw that baby clearly; smiling to me holding the side of the bed, I dashed to her and held her in my arms! I then realized that brushing teeth first would be better and then after getting done with the morning systematic routine, I was with the baby. I have no clue why am I attracted towards babies too much but anybody can be the victim to their cuteness, isn’t it?

Innocence of babies is one main reason for attracting almost everybody. I love them for their beautiful ways to learn step by step. With a growing baby, you are learning new things everyday yourself. The babies never “GIVE UP”– a great lesson for all of us. They may fell down million times over when they are learning to walk or sit but their determination and will power is unbeatable. Trying to achieve what they see other people doing becomes their ultimate goal and they achieve it some way or the other. They start crawling, standing and then walking with support and then a time comes when the baby needs no support! His legs can bear his weight and he walks well enough. Life has a same psychology; it treats you like a baby. It bruises you and you have to learn to stand again. There may be many huddles and you may fell down many times over but your strength and determination is counted on for helping you to move on with the failures to embrace victory at the end of the day. I watched the baby who continuously tried to walk without support. She fell at times but all she did was look at me and laugh. It was the baby of some new neighbor who visited my mommy to know about the area and all. This baby made my morning pleasant and thoughtful. At times, life treats you in a certain way to learn from others being a mere observer. I was treated nobly by learning how a year old baby can be an inspiration for a new morning and the reason for my splendid smile.

Life is a saga
A panel of story ruled by the antagonist
Truth radiates the world