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Diary of Nobody -VI-

Goodbyes and I get along very well — to an extent that I believe we are synonymous.

Once you told me: “Their loss if they don’t want to do anything with you. You are one of your very own kind — I don’t expect them to understand you.”

Now that you’ve said your last good-bye, what should I believe? That it’s your loss? That you didn’t understand me either? I don’t think so.

I was always a “misfit”. The society didn’t accept me for who I was. They wanted to mould me into somebody they would be pleased to interact with. I was not convinced to give myself up and I became a rebel. Being rebellious taught me a life-long lesson that I love to preach now: question everything (even an answer). It taught me the difference between right and wrong (something people don’t seem to understand for they are so busy blindly following the so-called ‘world trend’). They complained that I looked at things differently. They tried to silence me by bullying me. God knows how they felt about their failure after failure for I came stronger every time they made an aggressive move against me. They wanted to get rid of me and I made it my mission to ensure that they should never achieve their goal.

However, then you came along. Apparently, I was told that you liked me for me. You liked me for having a “voice” this world desperately needed. You liked me for having “questions” to challenge life on every step of my journey. You liked me for having an “aura” that was ever too visible. You liked me for having a compassionate “soul” that instantly connected with you. You liked me for my “smile” which in your opinion was evergreen. You always told me what you liked about me but how come you never stated one darn thing that led you to eventually dislike me? Was my “voice” too ground-breaking for you? Were my “questions” unanswerable and frustrating? Did my “aura” became invisible with time? Did my soul connected too much with you? How did my “evergreen smile” faded like an autumn breeze?

You had your mind and heart set on me and all you wanted was for me to make you the center of my world sooner or later. Why did you have to leave when all you ever wanted was in the palm of your hand? Or is it that I was always the “unwanted”?

I am bound to stitch,
The wounds we gave birth to,
I am bound to revive,
The dreams we shattered,
I am bound to adore,
The memories we shared together,
I am bound to live you,
For the rest of my life.

About globalunison

Writing is my passion and that is what I do here on this blog. I write about everything, whether it be Nature, Love, Hate, Relationships, Humans, Personal Life (where I discuss lessons learnt through real-life experiences), Food, Philosophy (sometimes) and much more. I write in any form whether it be Prose or Poetry. I am in search of ‘Myself’, hence there is not much I can tell you about me. Perhaps, I have a very brilliant idea. Why don’t you come along with me on my journey? I will always care to share and you can also enjoy the ride. For now, this is it. I am ‘ME’ – a wanderer in search of a fulfilling life. Until next time, Love Living Life! I express my sincere gratitude to all my Readers! -Naima

23 responses to “Diary of Nobody -VI-

  1. It is difficult to trust and let someone in, even feel a connection, and then be dismissed like that.

    • People in this world do it all the time and eventually you get used to the selfishness further resulting in the hesitation to trust.
      Thank you for sharing your opinion with me. It’s greatly appreciated.

      Kind Regards,

  2. juliemontgommerynews ⋅

    Those words are of your choosing,
    So dont’ lie and say they’re mine,
    Despite the fact you gave me just one chance
    And then summarily dismissed me,
    I kept on like a leper to your skin.
    The very thing you can’t handle
    Is exactly what you preach
    Differences in people
    You think anyone but you just has to be wrong.
    From where you get this blatant trait, I know not
    But you ain’t got it from me and it ain’t much fun

    • I loved it!! Thank you for sharing, Julie ❤
      Hope you are doing okay? (Hugs in case you need some)

      • juliemontgommerynews ⋅

        THank you Dear Naima, Yes, a bit better. I’ m coming off birth control so a bit hectic, and preparing for another Mud-Run. You’ re very sweet to check-in on me. I’ d love to give you a protracted hug. XOJ.

      • Awww.. I just hope everything turns out good for you. Take care of yourself and have a very good day 🙂

        Much love,

        PS– I will take the protracted hug, Julie ❤

  3. Dear naima .
    So true. And yeah it is always useless to expect that world should accept us the way we are. I being a rebel myself can understand the way u feel.
    Now that the person accepted us d way we are and become far all of a sudden brings lot of pain ..

    • I think the pain stems from the fact that they were ‘pretending’ all along to know you when in reality they have been just like the rest — part of the same crowd.

      Thank you for your comment. I dropped by your blog. It’s quite interesting.

      Kind Regards,

      • Yeah thanks Naima. And u nailed it. They are pretending and knowing that fact is quite irritating .. You have very good blog too.. Hence followed .. Keep writing ..

  4. The people want submission I believe that’s the reason of animosity and materialism have ripped out every ounce of humanity :/
    Great it was!

  5. barrira

    It’s sad people never know what they want and once they see the light they want to run away from it.

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